They have not, however, introduced a new sign into the zodiacal system which would bring about new astrology signs and dates. NASA made the announcement that they had discovered a new 13th constellation in the Earth’s solar system.

The meaning of Ophiuchus is the Serpent Bearer. So what is the new zodiac sign? We are here to set the record straight! The new sign has been called Ophiuchuswhich comes from the Greek words, “holding”, and, “serpent”. Our 12 signs of the zodiac have been made into 13 according to a discovery made by NASA and western astrology has lapped it up. What is the new zodiac sign Ophiuchus & what does it mean? So technically NASA did not change the zodiac, but according to a statement made by them they just “did the math”. The confusion here is that NASA’s research is based on astronomy and the zodiac is based on astrology. This does not mean that the constellation is not real it just means that the Babylonians believed for some reason it wasn’t part of the zodiac signs. Babylonians who created the zodiac chart made it fit a 12-month-calender, giving each of the 12 signs equal amounts of time. Obviously, there was panic amongst the astrologers and astrology lovers and NASA explained that they have found that the path of the sun goes through not only 12 constellations, but 13 – but it’s not a new constellation, it has been there all the time. These self-proclaimed astrologers will have a heated debate in order to convince you that the sign you were born with is actually not your sign at all. Every once in a while one of them stumbles upon the story that went viral where NASA apparently found a so-called 13th zodiac sign in our solar system. We all have one of those astrology fanatic friends who dedicate their Facebook posts to all the wonderful and strange astrological phenomenon that’s going on.