Please go throu with Scott blog and read full detail about archive mailbox behaviour. Later you can connecit it with same AD account with it was associated or with other AD account. Go to your Trash and select Empty Trash, this will empty space. Hi, Once you disable archive mailbox, Mailbox will be there in datastore and will be concider as disconnected mailbox. Even the emails in the Trash box, till they are deleted, are counted in your storage. So, if you want to save storage, archiving is not the solution. For Microsoft 365,, and Exchange accounts, the Archive folder is one of Outlooks default folders, like Inbox, Sent Items, and the Deleted Items folder. What about storage Archived emails do get counted in your emails. Also, once the mail is deleted, they do not show up when you switch to “all mail”. In the Gmail app for iPhone, iPad, or Android, tap the Archive button in the top menu that appears. When you select emails on the Gmail website, the Archive button appears in the menu directly above your list of emails.
1 - From within Outlook, go to FIle -> Options -> Advanced -> click onThe major difference here is, in case of archived mails, they never get automatically emptied unless the user deletes them. In C, NULL values can be dangerous to play around with in Go, some effort has been made to make them useful (for example, they are treated an empty arrays, though they are not quite the same as an empty map). To archive an email in Gmail, you simply need to select an email (or multiple emails) and then click the Archive button. There are two places where to find the location of archive files depending on how things were/are configured.

But in case you want to delete the mail completely at one go, you can head to the trash folder after deletion and select the mail there to permanently remove it. After you find an archived message, you can transfer it back to its original folder or choose another folder. When you delete an unnecessary mail, it goes to the trash folder, where it stays till 30 days, before getting permanently deleted from your account. An archive mailbox is a specialised mailbox that appears alongside the users primary mailbox folders in Outlook, or Outlook on the web (previously known as. Where do archived emails go in Mail app Instead of an Archive folder, the Mail app automatically transfers every archived message to your email accounts All Mail folder. What happens when you delete a mail Deleting an email, however, is different. You can only see and read when you want to. If you think of a physical mail, the archive function is like keeping it in a place, where you don’t get to see it everyday.